Thursday, March 26, 2009

Class Fund Matters

Ok, Teng Swee... chillax! Even I'm not fretting over the class fund. Okok. Let me explain what you ppl need to pay. Firstly, there is the GP money for the GP notes which most of you have paid. You pay $5 for this 'cause the GP notes are $4.20 and the extra $0.80 will go to the class fund. Next, we have the family day money, which only 7 ppl have paid and this is another $5. Last but not least, we have the class fund money. Ok, everyone seems to have doubts abt this... I'll only collect class fund money when I feel that we may be going bankrupt. IT'S NOT ON A WEEKLY OR MONTHLY BASIS!!! So, at first I decided that $0.80 is enough (As mentioned above). But after much discussion with Tengswee, we decided to increase it to $5.80, which is like an extra $5. But some of you have alr paid the $0.80 with the $4.20 for the GP notes, and I have been keeping track of that. This time round the class fund will consist of the PW money ($2), so you guys don't have to pay for that. And ppl if you have any financial difficulties, pls consult me so we can go tell Ms Pillai ASAP (I'll keep it private, k!). If you still dont know what to pay up, here's the list...

Cass - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Wanting - $0

Jaq - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Yingchyi - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Anna - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Maureen - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Nasima - $0

Xiuling - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Sudha - $5 ($5 for Family Day)

Lishi - $15 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day, $5 for FOL)

Yenteng - $0

Michelle - $5 (Class Fund)

Yi Xiu - $15 ($5.80 for class fund, $5 for Family Day, $4.20 for GP)

Sikai - $5 ($5 for Family Day)

Weihao - $15 ($5.80 for class fund, $5 for Family Day, $4.20 for GP)

Leeyang - $17 ($5.80 for class fund, $5 for Family Day, $4.20 for GP, $2 for FOL)

Limjie - $15 ($5.80 for class fund, $5 for Family Day, $4.20 for GP)

Yikai - $15 ($5.80 for class fund, $5 for Family Day, $4.20 for GP)

Rashid - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Tengswee - $5 ($5 for class fund)

Sagar - $12 (5 for Family Day, $5 for GP, $2 for FOL)

Shubam - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

Yonghao (Mr Bah) - $0

Yongyuan - $5 ($5 for class fund)

Sherman - $10 ($5 for class fund, $5 for Family Day)

And I also owe some ppl money. I know, I know. But aft giving the money to the respective sch ppl, I will pay you ppl using the excess class fund. I owe

Yongyuan - $16.50

Tengswee - $20.00

Yonghao (Mr Bah) - $12.65

Wanting - $42.00

That's all from me. Oh, and if there's any discrepancies pls tell me ASAP!!!

- Sudha (0309 Class Treasurer)

Sudha Raman | 8:49 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Congratz Shubham!! Winner of Solo Vocalist of AJ Idol 2009!!
** Pictures will be placed up next time... **

Results of today's AJ Idol 2009 Contest!

Band -- The Swee Swees (sounds lyk the Teng Swee...)
Solo Vocalist -- ShubhaM!!
Instrument(Piano) -- ... sth noid.. dunno how spell...
Dance -- Ainash
Group Vocalist -- Mushroom Soup.. leaves (It's a Long long name...)
AJ Idol -- Ainash!

Last but not least, congratz!

☆Booklelyes☆ | 11:43 PM

Yo ppl

Erm tomorrow report to sch by 8.20am. Those that need to report in PE pls do so. And those who haven't paid FOL money please pay up by tomorrow!

2nd thing, class fund. Sudha originally wanted $0.80 from each person but after finding out that we paid $42.65 for 3 sets of Chem notes, $20 for the class fund is obviously not enough. There's currently only $10 in the class fund and minus away all the money she owes to other ppl I estimate the fund is currently at about -$55 (note the negative sign). Please please please cooperate by giving $5 to Sudha ASAP because the class fund is currently at a negative value..

3rd thing, about family day. erm as you know our logistics stuff.. after the class fund & FOL money is settled the remaining $$ will be for family day... since I assumed everyone paid $5 there would be $125. So what we're gonna do with this money is obviously to buy our equipment needed. I plan to buy the stuffs on Saturday and start making them next week (prefably at one shot on Monday). Also we need to pack the goodie bags and package the grand prize. So yup we have alot of work to do next week..

please please help settle the class fund ASAP!! we will need alot more money to pay for alot more stuffs.

-- TS

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 8:28 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Harlo ppl..

just in case you didn't catch the mini bits of details regarding resillence workshop 2009 just now, i shall post it up here!

date: 27th mar 2009 friday
report to ms pillai @ 7.30am at BLOCK 350B (at the junction of canberra rd & sembawang way).

you guys may want to meet up at sembawang MRT at 7.20am or something like that then go as a class to the void deck (loading bay). However do not crowd at the MRT station as it's morning rush hour, prolly find some safe spot to gather.

buses will ferry us to camp challenge to and fro. (exact location: 8 Admiralty Rd East, S759991, contactable @ 62574427)

what to bring?
1. wear AJ PE shirt
2. pants or track pants (males can choose to wear track pants or sch pants, females got to wear long pants) and STRICTLY no jeans allowed.
3. running / track shoes for both genders (no sandals or slippers allowed)
4. hair band for girls
5. water bottle, writing materials & note pad
6. sunblock lotion and a cap/hat for those afraid of the sun
7. a set of clothes to change (prefably orientation tee)
8. umbrella

all these into a small bag or haversack. try not to bring alot of valuables and also if you need to bring any medication PLEASE do so.

and now how to prepare for the "day"?
1. if you got competition or seminar on the day, pls do inform ms pillai by tomorrow.
2. have breakfast before the workshop. stay well hydrated at all times.
3. put on sunblock lotion if req.
4. try not to be late.
5. pass all medication to ms pillai when u report for attendance taking.

YENTENG TAKE NOTE!!! gather all valuables by the ppl and put them into a bag and label it with our class before giving it to ms pillai / training company. distribute them when its over.

and so... remember to get the consent form signed and return it to me tomorrow morning!

-- TS

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 7:50 PM

Yoo! Rmb a craze in photo taking by us? Here's some pics to share wif ya! No worries I picked out the lovely ones =)

Ladies and Gentlemen... Let's see the Alshainies in action!!

Firstly... Jacqueline...

Happy bdae!
(Hey wad's my finger doing there!?!?)

Dun disturb me drinking tea..

Aiyo excuse me Sikai, dun block my way.. (Coz they moving so blurred)

Vote for me, the next student councillor!
(The lights behind me are part of my shine! My confidence! But who allowed this pic? I have nicer ones at home!)

Please listen attentively in lectures. I'm one good role model =)

Wei Hao totally shocked!?!?
Hey, when was this taken?
(Nice background)

Lazy to be bothered with you... Let's find our seats for Maths Lecture..


Yeahs! Getting off Maths Lecture! Finally over! Hey Shubham! What you're doing!? Rashid's still in wonderland...

Cute isn't she? (Oppsie a bit blurish)
Sherman wad you looking at??

Stop talking in class especially if you juz woke up, LJ.

Am I cool? Yeah I think I do actually.
Zzzz... Physics ain't my type...

Maths is kinda boring isn't it?
(Are you able to guess who is this??)
Econs tutorials is even more boring.. Well.. Everything is the same to me. I'm a genius okay =D
Nid some rest to keep up my good looks. HEY!! Who allowed you to steal a pic of me? Don't spoil my image of being the next AJ Idol la!! Whr's the security guard!? This is harassment!! My privacy is intruded!
Lols.. The end... Tune in for more next time...
Enjoying it?

☆Booklelyes☆ | 7:11 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Harlow ppl~

Hope the holidays have been fruitful... today last day liao wor. Anw, update you guys on some monetary issues - yup we still have to pay alot alot of $$... :(

$5 to Sudha for class fund (only left $10 OMG OMG)
$5 to Sudha for family day fund (forms our capital)
corresponding money to her also for FESTIVAL OF LIFE (check your email for exact amt)

the FOL one needs to be submitted by wednesday hor.

thanks wanting for making the blog see-able again! :O

-- TS

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 6:23 PM


☆Booklelyes☆ | 12:19 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bdae updates!
  1. Shubham -------7/3
  2. Jacqueline ----- 23/3
  3. Yong Hao ------24/3
  4. Rashid ---------29/3

Sry Shubham...

-- Wan Ting

☆Booklelyes☆ | 10:30 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009

::: Family day groupings :::

overall in charge: cassandra - if u all want to change groupings pls do internal swap. then tell cass.

logistics in charge: me (TS)

people in logis - wanting, si kai, yi xiu, wei hao, yong yuan, lee yang, rashid, anna, maureen, michelle, sudha.

publicity in charge: yenteng

people in publi - sagar, shubham, lim jie, sherman, nasima, jacqueline, ying chyi, yi kai, yong hao, xiu ling, li si

for the people in publicity (YENTENG TAKE NOTE):

we are allowed to publicise our class stalls via 2 options, either by posters or by livewire (the ppt type u always see in the TV screen).

posters - min A4 size, max drawing block size. to be put up on the green boards at the foyer. cannot have offensive words or messages or pictures.

DEADLINE: 16th march 6pm (send via email to with the subject "posters-[03/09]".

second option via livewire. powerpoint slides (max 2) saved in .jpeg format and MAKE SURE it's compatible with livewire.

no fancy fonts, pictures allowed, and use contrasting colours between the background and the words. same thing, no offensive words or messages or pictures, and the deadline applies, 16th march 6pm (send via email to with the subject "livewire-[03/09]".

a councillor left a contact so feel free to call when in doubt. 93882298 (siow yu from 10/08)

as for logistics... we need to decide on the exact logistics needed for our stall. most probably i will do it on the friday during the holiday that we are so unfortunately dragged back to school. :( yuupps. thats about all for logistics. xD very straight forward

and this is regarding FOL... dunno if u guys received an email about FOL, what to bring, how much to pay, venue & time etc etc... so if dont have then i think i will put up the details. basically pay all the money that you are required to do to sudha by tuesday (24th march). $0 then pay nothing lar. and remember to bring the items needed.

countdown to yonghao's birthday: 11 days.

-- TS

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 6:57 PM


$5 to Lee Yang for econs (Pay to Sudha =D)
$5 to our dear Sudhasaki for class fund (Emptying soon) in beginning of TERM 2.

******** B.O.L.I.A.O ********

☆Booklelyes☆ | 2:48 AM

Lols, nth to do at "THIS" time so I tot I can waste some time here... CAn't fall asleeP rite now.. -_-

~Hand in CHem file for checking next trem (2) when euu submit Atomic Str. tutorial for checking. (Unlucky 3 still dunno who yet XD)

~Week 5 1st monday 21 April [I think..]~
Physics Test in Audi on Lecture 1,2,3...

-- Wan Ting --

☆Booklelyes☆ | 2:12 AM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Plz bring de graph de worksheet tml for physics.. the last piece of paper is needed for tml's lesson.. phy tutorial tml will be at room212 instead of de original 423.. will sent sms to everyone later.. if i still rmb..

Chem extra 30min lesson tml.. gng thru tutorial 3 de qn 8 and 9..

For Maths.. ppl hu scored 11 and below will have to submit qns 1 and 2 to Sherman by tml morning.. during assembly..


YongYuan | 6:24 PM

yoyo peeps!!!

short post todae. but ya. bak wif 2 jokes or maybe 1 if u wanna put them tgt -.-

1. what did the ant going down the king's leg said to the ant going up?

::::are you going to the royal ball?::::

2. what did the ant going down the queen's leg said to the ant going up?

::::are you going to the royal opening?::::

kk end of my super short post ^^

[i'm cass]

cass | 3:56 PM

Yo ppl

ok first things first... the stupid SC has picked our class amongst 6 others out of 78 J1 + J2 (its less than 10% chance lar... wtf) to come back during our precious march holidays to test out our proposal. zzz... and so we all must hope that our family day proposals get rejected AGAIN then we don't need to do anything. (:

yup so... friday 20th march, 10am-11am, report to umbrella area. will update again when more information arrives (like tomorrow we will know whether our proposals kena rejected). and also hor, the SC say that they might be testing out the dunking pool on that friday and so they want us to choose a teacher to dunk and the teacher MUST agree. so u all decide loh. i think already got liao right? xD

::: Day in AJ :::

and so second things second. the PS (pangsai photog society) is organising a photography competition based on the theme "A day in AJC". will be held on the 24th & 25th of march (wk 1 term 2). all photos to be submitted have to be taken in those 2 days.

2 categories, handphone (use hp cam to take pics - think they trying to encourage camwhoring in college) or digital (use digicam lar).

and for every competition, of course, got prizes de mah.

grand prize winnder - canon selphy printer
daily winner, digital category - creative zen stone mp3
daily winner, hp category - 8 GB thumbdrive
winning class with most no. of quality entries - 50 bugs NTUC voucher

sounds stupid shiok right? then they try to persuade us some more by giving us more incenteeves...

grand prize winner - gold medal for house

daily winner (2 days) - silver medal x 4 for house (hp and digi category)
winning class - gold
highest participation rate - gold (per house)
2nd highest - silver
3rd highest - bronze

and they say that top 25 entries will be exhibited in RP cultural centre in conjuction with AJ 25th anniversary celebrations.

ok the rules. we can only submit max 5 photos each day (24th & 25th).
and we have to request for permission from teachers if we want to take pix during lesson time.

kk thats all, tmr wear orientation tee hor. and tmr no morning assembly, probably vote for councillors in the morning. support sagar!

-- TS

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 2:57 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Note for Thursdae:

For those who scored 11 and(?) below for Maths test rmb to complete qn 1 and 2 of the quiz! Hand up to SHERMAN(?)
Rmb to hand up Physics Challenge proposal to YONG YUAN tml (Thursdae)
Complete Chem Tutorial 2 & 3(?).

For Holidays:
GP hw!

Physics Tut 2 (by term 2)

Currently our tutorials as of 11/03/09...
Chem - 3
Phys - 1
Econs - 1
Maths -2

-- Wan Ting =)

☆Booklelyes☆ | 9:41 PM


$5 to sudha for economics

☆Booklelyes☆ | 12:12 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Heyy Alshanies!
Today being the second day of house week we had our inter-house captain's ball matches and also the mosiac activity. Yea! Congrats to all those who took part in the captain's ball matches! (Woot!! We won both matches...) And sorry I couldn't make it. (I was stuck in the hall doing the mosiac activity and also my legs didn't permit me to run around. LOL!) Anyways, if you're wondering what the mosiac activity is, its just the sewing up of the little piece of artwork (Our dearest Cassy decorated the red cloth last week, remeber?). And I manage to find a spot for it (right smack in the middle of the AJC banner) and sewed it up as neatly as I could. You'll understand once you guys get to see the banner. But meanwhile here's our masterpiece which I took a pic of. (Its sewed to the black cloth and you can see the black string sticking out... LOL!) Enjoy!

(Houe Rep)

[anyhow chip in] for those who heaven pay $2 to sudha for passport photos pls pay the by tml morning~ {PAID}

and yesh cassy's work is fantastic.

TS (the real TS, not the fake one a.k.a. wanting) \

SyN here. "Lols, TS, dun be lame -.-" (11 March 10:30PM)

note: Colour -> TS, Colour --> WT , the rest --> Sudhasaki's golden words...

Sudha Raman | 7:57 PM

Let everyone see the light of ME!

---- Teng Swee, Your Majestye (Lols)

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 2:25 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hi guys.. juz a reminder to all who signed up for captain's ball tml(10/03)... Jia Yous!

--- Yy

YongYuan | 8:24 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hallo! Enjoying Sudha's post? Her first post =) Ps, lazy do posting. Hahas. CASS!! WHR ARE EUU!?!?!? I WAN READ YOUR POST TOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Oh my, so late le... gtg 2 hibernate. Cyaz

Some lamo doing this post here..

Sry, Shubham... Yesterdae was your bdae ><

☆Booklelyes☆ | 12:20 AM

MONEY!! MONEY!! ($$$$$)

OMG! This is my first time blogging... lol... I sound like some super-high lunatic. Anyways, as I'm the newly appointed class treasurer (Which sux... coz i go ard like a loanshark collecting "BUCKS!"---> Quoted from Tengswee), I just wanted to tell y'all wat I'm collecting:

50¢ - House Fund
$5 - Math
$5 - GP
$5 - Class Fund

So u guys better pay up! Actually I'm not really sure of wat to collect myself... coz YT hasn't briefed me on my duties... lol! I just realised that I sound so formal and stuff... Okok, I'll get to the pt, I will let y'all know wat the breakdown is...

That's it for now... Oh, and THANKS Cassy (OOPS!) for making the blog lively with ur crapped up sch day and jokes...

I also wanted to ask those who have any class pics or watever to PLS post 'em up. And a little music will do!


[TS was here] Only $5 to those who haven't paid yet leh... (the rest isn't true... LOL =.= --> its a fallacy!)

Sudha Raman | 12:10 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

::: Lockers :::

I've registered the lockers! Yay!

5B: Si Kai & me Teng Swee (each person pays 7.5 bugs)
5C: Rashid, Shubham & Sagar (each person pays 5 bugs)
6A: Yong Hao, Yi Xiu, Yi Kai, Lim Jie & Sherman (each person pays 3 bugs)
6B: Ying Chyi (pay 15 bugs)
6C: Wan Ting, Yen Teng & Cass (each person pays 5 bugs)

I try not to allocate 5D or 6D since it literally requires you to lie down to open the lockers. So yeah... I allocate optimum height for lockers. Lolx.

Pay all the bugs to our insect-hunter Sudha (newly appointed bug-collector treasurer) by Monday. And also to those who have yet to pay 5 bugs to class fund, catch 5 bugs and give it to Sudha. I think she is OK with having grasshoppers or ladybirds with her (imagine 75 ladybirds for the lockers LOL -.-)

OK literally it's bugs, but think of it the pronounciation way. :P

Have a fun weekend doing PW & doing homework relaxing ppl!

-- Teng Swee

[i'm cass]...sits at corner and eats bugs O.O i mean gummy bugs~ ahahaha :P

{SyN was here} -Lol TS copy me go cancel.

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 9:07 PM

:: jokes time :: --- some of u may have heard it from me...but it wouldn't harm anyone if i told it again :P

1) Green man joke~~
.....Once there was this green man living in a green house. One day when he was taking a shower in his green bathroom, suddenly someone rang his green doorbell. The green man then wrapped himself with a green towel and proceeded to his green door. He opened the door and there was a lady standing there. Suddenly his towel dropped. Upon looking at that sight, the woman ran across the road and got knocked down by a car.
....SO...what's the moral of the story???.......


2) Nun, priest and camel joke~~
...There was a nun and a priest, travelling on a camel in a desert. Suddenly the camel drops dead. Knowing that they will be stranded in the desert forever, the priest suggested that they should do something that they had never done in their lives before. So the priest said...i have never seen a naked woman before...hence the nun took off her clothes. Then the nun said...i have never seen a naked man the priest took off his clothes too. Looking at the priest, the nun asked...what's that??? Then the priest replied...that's the rod of life.
...SO...guess what the nun said???.......


3) What kind of room has no window, no door, nothing inside of it???


4) Incident ray, normal and reflected ray are lying on the same plane (as in aeroplane). A air stewardess came to take their orders for beverages. Incident ray ordered coffee, normal tea and reflected ray cola. So the air stewardess confirmed their shown above. However all of them said NO! Incident ray wanted tea, normal wanted cola and reflected ray wanted coffee. WHY???


5) What's that useless piece of flesh behind the penis???

...A MAN!!!....

6) Who eats the most in the bible?

...King David~ (da wei wang)

:: end of jokes times ::

~hope u did enjoy yourself~

[i'm cass]

cass | 7:52 PM

Note :

econs tutorial
maths tutorial 2
chem tutorial 3

chem spa

PW presentation (For the 3 groups)

-- Wan Ting

☆Booklelyes☆ | 6:54 PM

Thursday, March 5, 2009

hiho cass here to do some random post -.- (why am i even doing this...)
okok anw abt wad happened in sch todae~ let's see...hmmm....

maths lecture... FINALLY NO MORE OLD HAG TO TEACH US INEQUALITIES. lol. haha. n yar...arithmetic (eek...number patterns @.@)


chem tutorial...mrs chai n her spinning thingy. all thx to ts ALL NUMBER 2 HAD TO STAY N EXPLAIN THEIR GIVEN QNS!!! <----number twos go kill ts if u wan to =X hahas~ chem lecture...stupid mole hag was nagging away as usual -.- good thing we moved onto the nxt topic. or not i would be playing table football on my hp thru out the entire lecture :P
(things to bring home todae for ideal gas...pV=nRT? MRT? AMK TO BISHAN? <---quoted it frm lee yang

gp tutorial...
ms usha making lim jie speak E-N-G-L-I-S-H!!! woo~ haha. (sry lim jie no offense :P) and hypermedia n blah blah blah.... AND THE VID SHE WANTED TO SHOW US DIDN'T WORK AGAIN. WOWWWW!!! -evil aura of our class- haha

-B-R-E-A-K- again -.-

civics pillai gave us chocs~ WEE~ CHOCS~ n the rest of the class was jus on boring Shackleton (hao shack wor...zzz...) and not forgetting class com~

-C-L-A-S-S- -D-I-S-M-I-S-S-

after sch...ts' pw grp stayed back. plus a few zuo bo peeps which consists of me, xiuling n lim jie. i was painting the damn mosaic which ts nearly ruined it. OH MI GAWD...HE FREAKED THE HELL OUTTA ME!!! xiuling was beside me reading newspaper i tink. nv really notice. paiseh ar... n lim jie was sitting in front of me, giving me all his yi jian on the mosaic -.- DEN SUDDENLY SOME CHER CAME IN N ALL OF US WENT TO THE READING ROOM...

in the reading room...i was crapping usual -.- yixiu was sian-ing away as his pw grp carried on with their ppt. den suddenly jacq said she was hungry but no one wanted to pei her. hahahaha. until she became so despo that she had to drag yixiu to the canteen. haha. (---removed as rumour ain't true---) btw, yixiu was eating STRAWRBERRY POCKY and jacq was eating MAGGIE MEE. (shouldn't it be more appropriate if it was the other way round???) soon after the entire pw grp left for the ohana. leaving me n xiuling with SCARY LIM JIE. rofl... :D

i completed the mosaic soon after. n tis is the end product!!! btr den wad ts posted earlier :P

after that...i suan-ed lim jie for awhile b4 leaving the reading room with xiuling. yesh!! we ps lim jie. ahahahahaha :] den xiuling went canteen to find her fren n i went home.


*its ok if u didn't enjoy it. no hard feelings :P*

[i'm cass]

cass | 10:34 PM

::: Locker Request Update :::

Just to confirm the names for each locker... currently we have 5 lockers being taken up out of the 8 so if anyone changes their minds and decides to have a locker please inform me by tomorrow latest.

Teng Swee
Si Kai


Yong Hao
Yi Xiu
Yi Kai
Lim Jie

Ying Chyi

Wan Ting
Yen Teng

Lockers still available:
5A, 5D, 6D

Please do inform me if there are any mistakes or discrepancies. All the more important if your name is not shown, because I will be registering the lockers tomorrow.

As for tomorrow...

1) Bring 5 bugs (bucks) to give to Yen Teng
2) Wear Orientation Tee tomorrow (You can bring AJ PE for afternoon PE if you want)
3) Finish Physics tutorial 1 by tomorrow
4) Bring Chem Experiment 1 worksheet for Lab session + Tutorial 2

Last but not least... let's all thank Cass for her super nice skills & talents in drawing the class icon!

BTW if you haven't realised... that's the first ever picture posted on the blog. Lol.

-- Teng Swee

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 6:50 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

------- Some FUN events -----
...........(Maybe not THAT fun... Lols...)............

Once upon a time... Dogs are loyal friends, loyal servants to their masters.. The masters rewards their hard work by giving them food, comfort and..... BALLS to play with! That's right, today, did ya notice a cute li' black soft rubber ball bouncing in and outta class? Yupps, it's that ball.
{Sheesh... Since when birds [Aquila] become puppies...}

Firstly, let's introduce the owner of the ball! She's Cassandra Goh-sama from 0309! (Lol, that's lame -_-) Oh well. Yeah, it's such a cute toy, which reminded me of... BOWLING!! MUAHAHA!!
{Coz the ball rowed straight to KO a water bottle which is similar to Strike, thou LJ missed the shot, hahas!!}

Let me see.. Who were being hit by the ball? Hmm... Yong Hao! First throw by YiKai -- Missed. Second Throw by Wan Ting -- KO'ed!! Hahas, the first throw that missed, the ball flew out of the door. Oh my, pity them pity those boys that rushed out to search for that tiny black ball. Lols, and balls were fluttering round the tables behind. From Cass - Wan Ting - Yikai - Lim Jie - circling round this group - Lim Jie - YY - Lee Yang - Sherman - back to Cass's group and there they were playing table tennis!?!? And poor Shubham. Behind right in front waving his hands for that ball, and it's a pity that no one saw him waving thus the ball nvr reached the front... Wait, if no one saw how I noe? That's for you to guess and for me to know Hahas!!

House meeting....
Damn boring. Nth to do so we go play the li' ball. Omg Aquila sounds far nicer than Jaguar. A bird is better than a beast somehow... Heard of Beauty & the Beast? Lol what am I linking to... -_- ignore my crap psps.. Hahas..

Lol, why I doing a post here instead?? Nothing to write on my blog lerz. =.= All here.

☆Booklelyes☆ | 4:27 PM

::: Locker Request :::

Sign up deadline is by Sunday 08/03/2009 and will be carried out by class leaders. Each class is entitled to 8 lockers, and can be shared between 1-5 people. Submit your names to me tomorrow.

Additional lockers can be provided upon request but names have to be submitted to me. Rental of lockers is optional but the school locks is a MUST to buy. Each locker + lock will cost $15 per year, school locks are on a rental basis and a $10 deposit will be returned to you when you hand back the locks (still in good condition) at the end of the year (Which means the lockers or the metal cage if you want to call it costs $5 a year to rent).

All money for the lockers have to be sumbitted by next Monday. Our payment date is on next Tuesday for our PDG.

Also remember to bring $15 tomorrow ($10 to Yen Teng, $5 to Cassandra)!

Wanting add colours ah.

-- Teng Swee

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 2:54 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

----- Class 0309 on 3 March -----
Nothing particulary interesting happened. As per normal. Everyone is as lively XD... Oh yeah, during the PW, it was damn fun. Especially the 3 groups sitting behind. Firstly, quite some jokes were made. And yeah, I found out how knowledgable Sagar and Shubham were, and how dumb I AM. Oh my gawd!! Why am I so stupid T__T??

........... End of my 'LAME' post. ....................
*It's me =D*

☆Booklelyes☆ | 11:08 PM

::: Birthday Notice :::

Wanting needs your birthdays! Please tell her ASAP so that she can make a list of all our birthdays beside the name list so that we can know when is the birthdays of each other. (=

Unknowns --> 1.Sudha 2.Sagar 3.WeiHao 4.Anna 5.Jacqueline

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 7:40 PM

::: Tuesday Notice :::

.:. Homework .:.

1) GP "The Gippy Times" Pages 59 & 60 Questions 2 - 6 (Due 05/03)
2) For E1 students: Do first 2 pages of Econs tutorial (Due 06/03)
3) Continue doing Chem Tutorial 2? Lols (next Chem tutorial is 05/03)

.:. Misc .:.

1) Tomorrow: Bring necessary materials for Evolution of Measurements presentation
2) Bring tie!!

.:. Tomorrow's schedule .:.

0745 PHY / Audi
0815 PHY / Audi
0845 MATH / 423
0915 MATH / 423

0945 Break
1015 CHEM / LT4
1045 CHEM / LT4

1115 Civics / 1125
1145 PHY / 312 (Lab 4)
1215 PHY / 312 (Lab 4)
1245 PHY / 312 (Lab 4)
1315 PHY / 312 (Lab 4)

Wanting go add colours ah~

-- Teng Swee

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 6:25 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009

For those with blogs, do give me the url/website address so that I can link you guys with the Alshain class blog!
-- Best wishes for your ac

-- Alshainie!

☆Booklelyes☆ | 10:22 PM

Yo people... homework today...

1) Can start doing Maths Tutorial 2
2) Prepare Chem Tutorial 2 (because Tutorial 1 has been handed up)
3) PW proposal (tomorrow is the presentation)

RMB to bring newspapears & dictionary PLUS Gippy times tomorrow! (For GP)

Tomorrow's schedule

0745 PE / Track
0815 PE / Track

0845 Break
0915 GP / 423
0945 GP / 423
1015 GP / 423

1045 Lunch
1115 Lunch
1145 E1 / LT4 or H1 / Dance Studio
1215 E1 / LT4 or H1 / Dance Studio
1245 PW / 423
1315 PW / 423

Wanting will make this post more colourful later. =)
-- Teng Swee

Mohammed Zakaria Low Chuan How Bin Marzuki Azman | 6:10 PM

Hello people!! Volunteering jobs available!

-- Class tee design! --
No limit
* Design for class tee
- Cassandra

-- House Day Banner! --
No limit
* To draw for the ''cute'' little red flag euu've seen today. Due date for flag submission: 6 March 09 Friday.
- No candidate

-- Nomination of class leaders and committee --
5 slots
*Vote for class leaders, committee members
- 3 Class leaders, 1 treasurer, 1 secretary
+ On Wednesday, hand up a piece of paper to ***** {You'll find out soon...} with 3 candidates for class leaders after tutorial break. Also, give 4 names for suitable committee members (two names for each post..)
^Note: You may vote for those who are currently subject reps. (Shortage of boys)

☆Booklelyes☆ | 5:18 PM